Well met! My introduction.

Howdy all, my name is Dave and I have been heavily involved in web
technologies for over 20 yrs.  I have moved around the stack through the
years and seem to always gravitate to the user interface, the front-end,
closest to the user, where I can make the most impact to the customer

I have been searching for my next community to join and want to become part
of this community.  I am passionate about project memory and sustainability
and that usually includes current, easy to understand documentation.  I
feel time invested here will be well worth it for the long run versus
contributing to XYZ tool, framework that comes and goes.

A few things are lining up for me to contribute back to the web, and
especially to a documentation project like this.

   - At work I use and evangelize the wiki to document APIs, process,
   releases, dashboards, etc.
   - Local community, I am finishing up a volunteer project that involved
   moving the PTA to the cloud and wiki structures, documenting all
   governance, board and committee processes. This has been huge in building
   trust in our community and lowering the barrier for new members to
   participate, contribute.
   - My kids are now interested in what I do and learning web technologies,
   yay! big smile, so proud.

JavaScript is my favorite, so would like to first help out there.  I will
review the current standards & guidelines, templates and look for current
gaps where I could contribute immediately.  If there is a committee chair,
team lead, please let me know.  I live in the Seattle area and open to

I am looking forward to collaborating and contributing!

-Dave Patten

Received on Friday, 23 May 2014 06:50:59 UTC