Compatibility tables proposal

Hi all,

I’d like to validate with you guys on the changes that we are going to
make on the compatibility tables that will be displayed in our docs pages.

We didn’t transcribe in the mailing list the changes we discussed in the
community meetings toward that component. Only a few notes

search "TOPIC: Compatibility"

If you recall, a few weeks ago we decided to change the way to configure
which data we display on a page. The original intention was to display
tables on all pages and have a few form inputs to adjust naming

The idea was that we could let the community edit a few fields in the
wiki and asking contributors to dig into the big JSON file to have
matching keys.

And we decided that it would be better to tell from the docs pages
directly where it expects to find data and whether or not it detected
it. That route is much easier to implement because we can make the
extension do it without involving Semantic MediaWiki. That will bring
speed, and loosen the dependency to SMW.

Here is a detailed summary of the proposed changes.

I hope its close to what everybody had in mind.

User standpoint:

1. Compatibility table extension will be possible on ALL documentation pages
2. If no data is found according to the page path, from the extension:
2.1. In page view; shows nothing
2.2. In form view; shows a message [2] and a link to create an issue[3]

Extension standpoint:

1. To detect whether its being called from an edit form, or a page
2. Ensure that no error message is visible in page view
3. Show a descriptive message to guide contributors how to display a table
3.1. When it has data

    Compatibility tables

    The following compatibility table will be displayed in the page. The
data you see is generated automatically from various sources. If you
think we should adjust the data, you can fork our [compatibility
data][1] project and suggest a pull request.

    (the table)


3.2. When it has NO data

    Compatibility tables

    We did not find compatibility data for this page. If you think there
should be one, [please create an issue][2]. The data has to be set in
with the following parameters:

     * feature: selectors
     * topic:   :active



Renoir Boulanger  |  Developer operations engineer
W3C  |  Web Platform Project  ✪  @renoirb

Received on Tuesday, 26 August 2014 15:27:36 UTC