Re: We Need a Meeting!

I'm new to this list, so I don't know your procedures. Ten days ago, I 
sent the following email, which attracted no response. Would it be a 
suitable topic for discussion at your meeting?


On 09/09/2013 14:36, Richard Ishida wrote:> Folks,
 > I've been working through the list of HTML elements and attributes
 > putting in links to the i18n resources we have, and have made a start on
 > the CSS properties, etc. It wasn't always obvious where to put those
 > links - they are not really like the other optional links that appear at
 > the bottom of the page; internationalization information is typically an
 > essential part of the information that content authors/developers need
 > (as, of course, is WAI info).
 > I'd like to propose that the template for each page in the list of
 > elements, attributes, and properties, etc. include an additional
 > section: Universal Access.
 > In this section we can add WAI, i18n and device independence tips, and
 > links to relevant materials.
 > Is this the right list to make such suggestions? Who would take
 > decisions on that?
 > Cheers,
 > RI

Received on Thursday, 19 September 2013 15:54:39 UTC