CSS - External Examples

Hey Folks!

Now that the CSS properties are almost complete I would like to say
congrats for the great step forward to finish this journey.

For the last couple of days, reviewing some examples in older CSS
properties (probably made before code.webplatform.org), I found some
examples which the "View live example" link points to an external
reference, sometimes to a domain from the user who wrote the example, or
some examples of an affiliated page, other times to an external website not
affiliated to the Webplatform.org project.


In most of the cases, those examples (made by the users) or imported from
other websites are really helpful for beginners, so my questions are:

1. Should we move them to the code.webplatform.org ?
2. Can we track all the external live examples and check if they are under
the Webplatform.org domain?
3. All the properties should have a live example?



Received on Saturday, 19 October 2013 03:16:05 UTC