Current issues I am working on

Hey everybody,

I wanted to get you up to speed with what I have been doing lately.

Here is the previous week report

== Last week ==
* Got a bit late on my objectives with [0] as I had other things to work on
* Still working on logging management for webplatform docs [0]
* Learned a lot about Salt stack configuration management inner workings [1] (see thread)
* Improved Salt stack manifests by removing some more hardcoded configuration
* Installed WPD Piwik goals tracking configuration
* Worked on preparing rebuild of nodes in same environment

== Upcoming ==
* By coming tuesday, I will start working on Improving Piwik goals tracking using JavaScript event "publisher"
* Piwik goals tracking to support tracking in the context of a Doc Sprint



Renoir Boulanger  |  Developer operations engineer
W3C  |  Web Platform Project  ✪  @renoirb

Received on Thursday, 3 October 2013 02:54:19 UTC