Minutes: Web Platform community meeting Friday 15 Feb, 17:00 UTC / Noon ET / 9:00 PT

Hi all, sorry these are so late. Can someone help take on at least some of my actions for next week, as I'm on vacation!


1. ACTION (carried forward): shepazu + denis to implement sitemap extension
	- Carried forward again
2. ACTION (carried forward): Alex to sort out updating the CSS properties template to reflect Mike S's Gold standard CSS property page
	- Carried forward again
3. ACTION (carried forward): others should try to implement a CSS property page, and use chrismills' instructions when they are finished
	- Finished
4. ACTION (carried forward): determine a set of properties we know to be complex outliers
	- Finished
5. ACTION: JULEE to send out email to public list to get input regarding spec status
	- Finished
6. ACTION: Shepazu to investigate cloud infrastructure and latency as possible roots of session bug
	- Investigated with help from HP Cloud people, no resolution as yet. Ongoing.
7. ACTION: chrismills: recruit more participants to css properties project, augmenting tracking spreadsheet, actively tracking progress
	- Ongoing. Has invited one person to take part (Rachel Andrew), who agreed to help out.


1. ACTION: chrismills, make google spreadsheet just show p0-p2, css properties
2. ACTION: chrismills: pull together 10-15 good CSS example pages and mail them around. People from different companies will then send these example pages to their resident CSS spec gurus, e.g Tab Atkins, Fantasai, Howcome, etc. and see what they think, as well as real world CSS gurus, e.g. Rachel Andrew, Chris Coyier, Peter Gasston, Dan Cederholm, Ethan Marcotte, Nicole Sullivan (their needs will be different.)
3. ACTION: all, give Doug suggestions on what to add to WPD session him and Janet are doing at W3Conf
4. ACTION: Scott to spruce up the APIs landing page

[4:58pm] Ryan_Lane left the chat room. (Quit: Leaving.)
[5:00pm] julee: Hello
[5:03pm] • shepazu wonders who is scribing?
[5:03pm] shepazu: agenda+ WPD presentation
[5:03pm] chrismills: I'll be in soon - fighting with Skype ATM
[5:03pm] shepazu: agenda+ Compat Table Task Force
[5:03pm] jswisher joined the chat room.
[5:04pm] • jswisher is present
[5:04pm] • chrismills is present
[5:04pm] • leaverou is present
[5:05pm] chrismills: me/ thought that monkey had gone to heaven...
[5:05pm] chrismills: balls
[5:05pm] chrismills: I'm crap at IRC 
[5:05pm] chrismills: ummm, no 
[5:05pm] • julee present
[5:05pm] chrismills: ok then
[5:06pm] cgoodman joined the chat room.
[5:06pm] julee: AGENDA: Roll call
[5:06pm] julee: Review of open action items
[5:06pm] julee: CSS Properties status
[5:06pm] julee: How did the testing go? Were folks able to create property pages?
[5:06pm] julee: Do we want to do some sort of review? How?
[5:06pm] julee: How shall we divy up the remaining properties?
[5:06pm] julee: What are the next steps for this project?
[5:06pm] julee: w3cconf DocSprint @ Adobe
[5:06pm] julee: Who's going? (Shepazu, Craig, Eliot, Julee maybe Peter)
[5:06pm] julee: What should we focus on?
[5:06pm] julee: Session bug status?
[5:06pm] julee: Anything blocking you from creating great content?
[5:06pm] julee: Any new or notable content to promote?
[5:06pm] chrismills: Scott says other people should also chip in with scribing
[5:06pm] chrismills: Julee agrees
[5:06pm] fr0zenice joined the chat room.
[5:07pm] chrismills: just IRC might be difficult
[5:07pm] scottrowe_: Like this.
[5:07pm] chrismills: but a combination might be good
[5:07pm] julee: ACTION (carried forward): shepazu + denis to implement sitemap extension: Concerns about current solution viability; looking for alternate.
[5:07pm] julee: ACTION (carried forward): julee and garbee to look into installing meetbot: Garbee to try to work on it more on the weekend.
[5:07pm] julee: ACTION (carried forward): Alex to sort out updating the CSS properties template to reflect Mike S's Gold standard CSS property page: IN PROGRESS, Alex to consult w frozenice on scope.
[5:07pm] scottrowe_: It's worth a try
[5:07pm] julee: ACTION (carried forward): others should try to implement a CSS property page, and use chrismills' instructions when they are finished: IN PROGRESS
[5:07pm] julee: ACTION (carried forward): determine a set of properties we know to be complex outliers: in progress
[5:07pm] julee: ACTION: JULEE to send out email to public list to get input regarding spec status:DONE
[5:07pm] julee: ACTION: Shepazu to investigate cloud infrastructure and latency as possible roots of session bug
[5:07pm] julee: ACTION: cmills: recruit more participants to css properties project, augmenting tracking spreadsheet, actively tracking progress
[5:07pm] chrismills: Topic 1: review of open action items
[5:08pm] cgoodman: i'm on both. hi all.
[5:08pm] scottrowe_: Present!
[5:08pm] chrismills: ACTION (carried forward): others should try to implement a CSS property page, and use chrismills' instructions when they are finished:
[5:08pm] chrismills: ACTION (carried forward): shepazu + denis to implement sitemap extension:
[5:08pm] chrismills: carried forward again
[5:09pm] chrismills: ACTION (carried forward): Alex to sort out updating the CSS properties template to reflect Mike S's Gold standard CSS property page:
[5:09pm] shepazu: agenda+ dabblet
[5:09pm] chrismills: carried forward again
[5:09pm] chrismills: ACTION (carried forward): others should try to implement a CSS property page, and use chrismills' instructions when they are finished
[5:09pm] chrismills: finished
[5:10pm] chrismills: ACTION (carried forward): determine a set of properties we know to be complex outliers
[5:10pm] chrismills: finished
[5:10pm] chrismills: JULEE to send out email to public list to get input regarding spec status
[5:10pm] chrismills: finished
[5:11pm] chrismills: ACTION: Shepazu to investigate cloud infrastructure and latency as possible roots of session bug
[5:11pm] chrismills: shepazu: reached out to HP. they got back to us and said that they couldn't see anything going wrong
[5:12pm] chrismills: they suggested it might be a combination of something weird going on with MW, and the HP Cloud platform
[5:12pm] mstalfoort left the chat room. (Quit: kthxbai)
[5:12pm] chrismills: HP cloud guy then sent a mail asking if it had got better
[5:13pm] chrismills: chrismills, julee, answers is "no" 
[5:13pm] chrismills: This is ongoing therefore
[5:13pm] chrismills: shepazu: suspects it is due to MW
[5:14pm] chrismills: shepazu: has one more idea - if the single sign on infrastructure might have something to do with it
[5:14pm] shepazu: agenda+ bug genie
[5:15pm] chrismills: ACTION: cmills: recruit more participants to css properties project, augmenting tracking spreadsheet, actively tracking progress
[5:15pm] julee: How did the testing go? Were folks able to create property pages?
[5:15pm] julee: Do we want to do some sort of review? How?
[5:15pm] julee: How shall we divy up the remaining properties?
[5:15pm] julee: What are the next steps for this project?
[5:15pm] chrismills: ongoing! Got one person interested
[5:15pm] • julee was able to create property pages
[5:16pm] • julee worked in the source edits
[5:16pm] chrismills: property page creation was effective at the Berlin doc sprint
[5:16pm] chrismills: people were tolerant of our glitches
[5:17pm] chrismills: Scott: people were worried about our network connection at the venue
[5:17pm] chrismills: try to ramp up network reliability
[5:17pm] scottrowe_: Chris observed that many doc sprint participants were tolerant of the session bug. We also got away with some spotty uplink behavior at the venue.
[5:17pm] julee: http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/User:Paul.rosenbusch/Articles_needing_examples
[5:19pm] julee: Chris to pull out the remaining P0-P2s
[5:19pm] scottrowe_: Chris observed that it was effective to let people at the doc sprint pick their own properties to work on.
[5:21pm] scottrowe_: Most participants gravitated toward the more important properties.
[5:22pm] chrismills: ACTION: chris, make google spreadsheet just show p0-p2, css properties
[5:23pm] Ryan_Lane joined the chat room.
[5:23pm] scottrowe_: Scott can approach Tab Atkins with CSS properties review.
[5:24pm] scottrowe_: Doug has talked to other CSS experts who have indicated that the doc is not ready to review yet.
[5:24pm] chrismills: Tab Atkins, Peter Linss, fantasai and other CSS gurus interested in working on webplatform.org
[5:25pm] chrismills: but they don't think it is ready to review yet
[5:25pm] julee: chrismills: We could get a page that we think is good enough and pass it by them
[5:25pm] scottrowe_: Chris recommends presenting a representative sample for review.
[5:27pm] scottrowe_: This would give a review of the design/structure of the CSS properties doc, not necessarily the content, right?
[5:27pm] julee: Maybe getting more comments is better for this first project
[5:28pm] chrismills: my representative content
[5:28pm] chrismills: http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/css/properties/background-image
[5:28pm] scottrowe_: Doug suggests that we also provide representative content.
[5:30pm] julee: chrismills: properties pages may be around 30% completed
[5:31pm] shepazu: shepazu present
[5:31pm] julee: w3cconf DocSprint @ Adobe: Shepazu, Scott, Craig, Eliot, Julee maybe Peter are attending
[5:32pm] chrismills: ACTION: CHRIS: pull together 10-15 good CSS example pages and mail them around. People from different companies will then send these example pages to their resident CSS gurus, e.g Tab Atkins, Fantasai, Howcome, etc. and see what they think.
[5:33pm] chrismills: Addendum - we should also send these to some real world CSS designer gurus, e.g. Rachel Andrew, Chris Coyier, Peter Gasston, etc.
[5:33pm] chrismills: ecause their neds will be different to spec guys
[5:33pm] chrismills: because …needs *
[5:33pm] chrismills: Next topic
[5:33pm] chrismills: next doc sprint
[5:33pm] chrismills: what do we need to do there?
[5:34pm] chrismills: Scott - the API docs is at a bit of an impasse
[5:34pm] chrismills: we don't need more hands on that stuff atm
[5:35pm] scottrowe_: Doc Sprint planning meeting 9:30 UTC today
[5:35pm] chrismills: there is a doc sprint planning meeting at 1:30PST, 9:30 UTC
[5:35pm] chrismills: discuss the event planning in more detail
[5:35pm] scottrowe_: that is 21:30 UTC - oops
[5:35pm] chrismills: d'oh 
[5:36pm] chrismills: next topic
[5:36pm] chrismills: from shepazu
[5:36pm] chrismills: bug genie
[5:36pm] scottrowe_: Bug Genie
[5:37pm] chrismills: Denis ran into technical problems, but overcame them. We will have a working bug genie install by the time the next doc sprint comes around
[5:37pm] chrismills: to at least play around on
[5:37pm] chrismills: next topic
[5:37pm] chrismills: web platform presentation
[5:38pm] chrismills: for W3Conf
[5:39pm] chrismills: wish to have a short tour of webplatform and how it's working
[5:39pm] scottrowe_: Action: Scott to spruce up the APIs landing page
[5:39pm] chrismills: show how they are focusing on CSS properties and APIs
[5:40pm] chrismills: need nice looking pages
[5:40pm] chrismills: best face on it
[5:40pm] chrismills: give Doug input!
[5:40pm] DougM joined the chat room.
[5:40pm] scottrowe_: open all the pages in tabs!!!
[5:40pm] chrismills: CSS and API landing pages in good shape
[5:40pm] chrismills: good example of each
[5:40pm] chrismills: reference page
[5:40pm] chrismills: and a good tutorial as well
[5:42pm] chrismills: ACTION: all, give Doug suggestions
[5:42pm] chrismills: topic compatibility tables
[5:42pm] chrismills: bugger
[5:42pm] DougM: ok sugg:  this is SF -- give them the list of what's missing, including the toughest stuff
[5:43pm] DougM: ... what's missing form this page...
[5:43pm] DougM: ... what's missing from this page...
[5:44pm] chrismills: compat table task force - Doug S, Doug M, Tobie L, Chris M
[5:44pm] chrismills: met about how to automate compat table data
[5:44pm] chrismills: we will bring our initial findings back to the public list asap
[5:45pm] DougM: ok, tough to do by Friday, but we can lay out the doc and strategy priorities and use the event to both improve the backlog, and fill out missing examples
[5:45pm] DougM: SF vols are amazing, give them big challenges, and you will draw the best people
[5:46pm] chrismills: we will try to make an extension that initially pulls in compat info from caniuse.com
[5:46pm] chrismills: for a start
[5:46pm] chrismills: and then pull it from somewhere else later on
[5:46pm] chrismills: Julee: MDN would also be good
[5:47pm] scottrowe_: Julee: maintain the compat notes, too
[5:47pm] chrismills: Julee: have compatibility notes maintained too
[5:47pm] chrismills: eventually we could pull data from the W3C test suites
[5:48pm] chrismills: we will also pull data form quirksmode.org
[5:48pm] chrismills: from*
[5:48pm] chrismills: looking to get phase 1 done by march
[5:49pm] chrismills: DougM looking into the vocabulary and data structure we have, how to use that, etc.
[5:49pm] DougM: I'm in a cross-platform app dev hackathon starting this evening.  What smartphones do the core team (ongoing & esp this weekend) use?
[5:50pm] chrismills: shepazu: we shouldn't tell people to fill in the compat data at the next doc sprint
[5:50pm] chrismills: DougM: I'm on Android
[5:50pm] scottrowe_: Action: Scott to de-emphasize compat table work in Getting Started
[5:50pm] leaverou: http://code.webplatform.org/
[5:50pm] chrismills: Topic: dabblet integration
[5:50pm] chrismills: still rough around edges
[5:50pm] chrismills: but this link gives you an idea
[5:51pm] shepazu: http://dabblet.com/gist/1441328
[5:51pm] chrismills: using github gists for now
[5:51pm] chrismills: but will eventually use a place in webplatform.org for saving the examples
[5:53pm] chrismills: on dabblet.com you have to use a github account
[5:53pm] DougM: @shepazu clarifying -- we will ask people to make intelligent recommend'ns about compat, and we will capture that, so we know what to pull in later
[5:53pm] chrismills: we want to not have to do that for webplatform
[5:53pm] chrismills: and all of them will be saved on a webplatform.com github accounts
[5:54pm] chrismills: each one will be a gist
[5:54pm] chrismills: and we will import those examples into relevant pages
[5:54pm] DougM: need sponsors for intelligent login/validation
[5:54pm] chrismills: and styling using the syntax highlighter
[5:54pm] chrismills: (prism)
[5:55pm] DougM: let's make kickass samples and getting_started into key goals for next weekend
[5:56pm] julee: Our dabblet attempt: http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/css/properties/box-shadow
[5:57pm] leaverou: an example of the hidden form that will exist in WPD examples: http://code.webplatform.org/post-test.html
[5:57pm] leaverou: of course the fields will be hidden
[5:58pm] leaverou: (probably populated through a script, to avoid users downloading duplicate code)
[5:58pm] chrismills: topic : anything blocking you from creating great content?
[5:58pm] chrismills: no 
[5:59pm] chrismills: Peter: try think about doc sprints somewhere else than the US west coast
[5:59pm] julee: What about: http://opensym.org/wsos2013/
[5:59pm] chrismills: shepazu: event in raleigh that we could piggy back on
[5:59pm] DougM: in-process, not ready = the water we swim in; building the thinking and tools that thrive in that arena = real value to share
[6:00pm] chrismills: we could also arrange something in boston
[6:00pm] chrismills: open help conference in cincinnatti
[6:00pm] chrismills: chrismills - I am also gonna run a doc sprint in the UK asap
[6:01pm] chrismills: shepazu: giving us love - blown away by the community and the work done
[6:01pm] chrismills: w00t
[6:01pm] DougM: get college rectuiters to chip in on weekend events (test and or doc), to see candidates first hand!!
[6:02pm] chrismills: fin
[6:02pm] chrismills: thanks all
[6:02pm] chrismills: I'll get those notes out this evening (my time)
[6:02pm] You left the chat by being disconnected from the server.
[7:08pm] You reconnected to the server.
[7:08pm] You rejoined the room.

Chris Mills
Opera Software, dev.opera.com
W3C Fellow, web education and webplatform.org
Author of "Practical CSS3: Develop and Design" (http://goo.gl/AKf9M)

On 15 Feb 2013, at 02:29, Julee <julee@adobe.com> wrote:

> Please join us for the Web Platform community meeting!
> If you're unable to attend, but you suspect you have action items, would you kindly go to the meeting page and update it with any status?
> Friday, 17:00 UTC / Noon ET / 9:00 PT
> Telcon Info
> Zakim Bridge: +1.617.761.6200
> Conference code: 3627 ("DOCS")
> VOIP: sip:zakim@w3.org
> Note: If you haven't already done so, please volunteer to scribe.
> ==Agenda 2013-02-15==
> * Roll call
> * Review of open action items
> * [http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/WPD:Tasks/CSS_Property_Milestone CSS Properties status]
> ** How did the testing go? Were folks able to create property pages?
> ** Do we want to do some sort of review? How?
> ** How shall we divy up the remaining properties?
> ** What are the next steps for this project?
> * w3cconf DocSprint @ Adobe
> ** Who's going?
> ** What should we focus on?
> * Session bug status?
> * Anything blocking you from creating great content?
> * Any new or notable content to promote?
> To add or update agenda items: http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/WPD:Content_Meetings
> Talk with you tomorrow!
> J
> ----------------------------
> julee@adobe.com
> @adobejulee

Received on Sunday, 17 February 2013 16:30:45 UTC