Project Management update.

So, here we are. The Bug Genie is installed at ! It is currently empty, so don't go rushing
over just yet. I'm finishing up a project that I have been caught up in for
about a month now within the next two days. So, Tuesday or Wednesday will
be when I begin configuring our TBG install.

I'm estimating that should take me about two work days to get done and
test, perhaps three if I end up getting confused in the ACL (which is
pretty easy to do.) After that I will begin importing the issues from the
current Bugzilla repo into the new system. This will be done one component
per day to try and not burn myself out in the move and to try and do some
extra cleanup as well. As each component's move is completed I will update
the list to know to start using TBG for those issues. As far as the order
of the move, I will email out the order they will be done the day I start,
needless to say Content and Infrastructure are on the top of my list.

Probably the biggest question, support/documentation for TBG. This, isn't a
good answer I'm afraid. There is very little documentation on TBG's actual
usage. So at first, it really is just ask me any questions you have via any
method you can (coming to my house excluded, my dogs like to bark at new
visitors and it drives me nuts.) I will work on documenting the actual
usage of TBG first for us. Once that documentation is completed I will work
on documenting administration aspects of usage.

If anyone has any specific questions about this process, please just let me

Thanks for your time,

Received on Sunday, 17 February 2013 00:20:05 UTC