Re: Recap of Web Platform Doc Sprint Berlin

Looks good. A few technical typo corrections or similar inline.


On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 5:20 PM, Andre Jay Meissner <>wrote:

> *(It should not take a week to write this report - ashes on my head! As
> you have already received quite a bit of details on the survey (thanks
> Scott!) and structural feedback (thanks Chris!) this is the the high- and
> heart level feedback on our last weeks event. It worked quite well, it
> built a lot of awareness and future opportunity, and it has been a ton of
> good fun and learnings - read all about #WPDS below! *Jay)*
> *Europe has seen it's first ever Web Platform Doc Sprint!*
> *
> *


> **
> Last Friday and Saturday another in-person event hosted by Adobe returned
> "at least [1]" 1.000 Edits,

I would fix s/1.000/1,000 (and the rest), but this might just be a personal
preference and the regional settings of this blog might be mixed on

moved a minimum of 400.000 bytes (75% added/25% deleted, clocking in at
> approximate 40.000 new words (average: 6-character) saved),


> onboarded 51 new contributors and generated up to four community driven
> future Doc Sprints.

> Yet, the positive feedback did not stop - there are still E-Mails and
> Tweets from attendants chiming in. Also the #WPDS Hashtag on Social Media
> is still getting hits, which is a sweet thing a full week after an event.
> Two examples:
>    - Yesterdays very nice writeup from attendant Paul Verbeek<>[2].
>    - Monday night the well renowned web tech podcast<>[3] honored the event with a 17 minutes wrapup including a call to action
>    to support and further Doc Sprints (~6.5k listeners).
> We received a lot of negative but constructive feedback on e.g. the
> shortcomings of the Media Wiki, insights to that can be found in the Survey
> Results<> [4]
> that Scott recently provided.
> I am only including some selected tweets and images with this report and
> would like to encourage you to check out the archives on your own. The
> social media footprint of the event is archived at Eventifier<> [5].
> You can also check out some image galleries via the archived coverage at
> Lanyrd <> [6].
> *
> *
> *
> *
> **
> *
> *
> *
> *
> *Six first-timers at this Doc Sprint*:
> *1. We ran the event over two days.* First a half day from Friday noon,
> which drew 53 attendants (with 106 registrations

s/First a half day/First half a day
Or am I wrong here?

> (after ticket returns) clocking in at exactly 50% no-show). Featuring the
> chance for a good networking opportunity in the evening, that has been used
> by nearly all attendants for discussions around WPD until late at night (or
> early in the morning, as you like it). And possibly affected the no-show at
> the second, full day Saturday, where we only drew 26 people, which has been
> another 50% loss compared to day 1 (we experienced a similar rate from day
> one to two at other events of this kind before).
> *2. We did target (and hit) the larger European community:* 15% of the
> attendants have been from outside Germany (including Poland, Denmark, the
> Netherlands, Montenegro, Romania and the UK), another 42% travelled in from
> german cities outside Berlin. All on their own pockets - how awesome is
> that?
> *3. We offered special incentives and contents for community hosts*, that
> would be interested in running their own Doc Sprint. We received a total of
> 4 proposals for such community driven events, three in Germany, one in the
> Netherlands. I will provide a Doc Sprint Starter Package including swag and
> location branding to candidates.
> *4. We branded the (neutral) location to a Web Platform Doc Sprint *and
> used WPD slides for all talks (files available on the WPDS Berlin page<> [7]).
> We had WPD rollups, badges and some Doc Sprint specific swag - we totally
> flew the WPD colors.
> *5. We added some good fun and pace, introducing the "Web Platform Doc
> Sprint Dashboard"* Frozenice<> stapled
> together with me (available for everybody on github<> [8]).
> Thanks again for teaming up on this, Fro! Props also go to Rebecca Hauck
> from Adobe for providing inspiration with her Dashboard for Test the Web
> Forward <>.
> *6. We made frequent use of the Short-URL* Frozenice<> contributed,
> including "" which acted as landing page for all subsequent
> resources, what really came in handy and allowed to simply shout out some
> resource inbetween.
> *Results:*
> We had quite a bit done! See Chris and Scotts reports on the two major
> work groups we had called out, as well as the other two that formed, here:
> *CSS Work Group:*
> The CSS properties project was a rousing success — we completed (or got a
> significant proportion of the work done) on around 80 CSS property pages;
> and some of our biggest wishes, namely to add some decent examples and
> detailed explanations, were realised. Some of the additions were very well
> thought out and executed, for example
> As well as content, we received a lot of really useful feedback and ideas
> about making the site better. And some people who came to our group decided
> quickly that they didn't want to work on CSS properties, but instead gave
> other valuable contributions:
> Media queries:
> UX techniques:
> i18n:
> cross browser techniques:
> *API Work Group:*
> For the API project we had a group of 10 developers cleaning up and
> writing code examples for the API doc pages:
> Fhemberger <>: appcache<>
> ; Asciidisco <>: appcache<>
> , audio-video <>;
> Rocco.zanni <>:
> audio <>; Paulv<>:
> canvas <>; Damienklinnert<>:
> file <>; Bnz<>:
> geolocation <>; Auco<>:
> canvas <>;
> Charlie <>: navigation<>
> , user <>, and resource<>
>  timing; GeorgX <>:
> web-storage<>
> ; Rodneyrehm <>: worker<>
> .
> But this group did more than that. They also lent their perspective on the
> usability of our wiki, and they provided ideas for improving the editing
> process and identifying the need to orient our Getting Started workflows
> around domain knowledge and skill. See the separate post on Contributor
> Feedback. One thing we needed was a workflow that directed developers to
> the articles that required code examples throughout the wiki, not just in
> the API docs.
> This dove-tailed nicely with the work Paul.rosenbusch<> was
> doing with Frozenice <> in
> the "Do Whatever" group to develop queries that list all of the API and CSS
> pages that need examples. Paul had initially developed these queries for
> the API pages to remove an aberrant checkbox value that would have
> prevented us from knowing which pages needed examples. We will use Paul's
> queries as part of the developer workflow in the soon-to-be-revamped
> Getting Started pages.
> The cool part about the API project was that it was very much an ad-lib,
> "just do stuff" kind of effort where we didn't really have a plan, and yet
> we produced a great deal of doc and made significant improvements in our
> editing process. In the run-up to the event it got overlooked that we had
> decided not to do any API work, but somehow APIs got left on the agenda,
> and well, there it was. So, we decided to go for it. After a bit of
> fumbling around, the group divided up the work and conquered! One criticism
> that came out of all this was that we should be better prepared. Yes,
> agreed! But let's not overlook the opportunity to get stuff done in the
> absence of preparedness! Great job, everyone!
> *The "Do-What-You-Want" and the Accessibility Group:*
> We also had a bunch of people in the official "do what ever you
> want"-group, that e.g. produced quite a bit of example code. Added, a
> fourth group focussing on accessibility formed and soon found out that
> definition on the scope of what should be documented at WPD (versus WAI) is
> required first to pursue this task. Their results have been added to our
> bugtracker.
> Finally, a happy attendant from the Netherlands won one year of an Adobe
> subscription (we tied the raffle to a random pick out of the Top 20 Doc
> Sprint attendants visible on the Dashboard), and we gave away a lot of WPD
> swag introducing the new Doc Sprint stickers and buttons, as well as the
> already known and well appreciated WPD T-Shirts/Tin-Kits (thanks Peter and
> Scott). It makes sense to provide prizes to attendants wherever we can and
> it also raises the fun bar a lot together with things like the WPDS
> Dashboard.
> *Special thanks:* WPDS would not have been successful without the work of
> Sébastien Desbenoit. See all the sweet artwork splattered across the event
> and it's communications? That is all based on his logo work!
> If you made it reading all the way down here, please join me in saying
> "Merci" Sébastien, Julee Burdekin, Janet Swisher, David Kirstein (aka
> Frozenice <>), Chris
> Mills, Scott Rowe, Florian Scholz - and everybody that supported #WPDS! I
> would love to repeat such an event this year.
> *Jay
> [1] Statistics based on known WPD usernames at Doc Sprint (37 out of 54
> registered for being tracked) and are actually approximately 30% higher.
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]
> [7]
> [8]

Received on Saturday, 16 February 2013 11:44:30 UTC