Re: Proposed content design for HTML element pages

> I'm attaching two pdfs showing a proposed content design for the HTML
> element pages. I've been designing using real content, so do read what's
> there and think about whether/not this structure will work with the range
> of content for HTML.
> Very nice!!  I especially like the before-and-after examples.

Little suggestions:  Since the examples section is long, and the attributes
section (in particular) short, maybe have a TOC or nav bar that points to
the sections, else the others may be overlooked.  The attributes section is
not exhaustive, so perhaps "Common Attributes"?  (I was at the Seattle doc
sprint, where I spent much of the time wringing my hands over just the <a>
tag, and whether it should have only the most common attributes, or a
somewhat more broad set. ;-) )

-- Pat

Received on Wednesday, 11 December 2013 08:33:38 UTC