HTML links - beginner's material

This is at the bottom of the HTML links page:


"Exercise questions 

 "What is wrong with the following link: <a href="report.pdf" title="report
as PDF, 2.3MB">get our latest report</a>?"


I took this and made it part of an html document and it validated just fine.
It also opened properly on opera.  Syntactically it is correct.
Stylistically, the link text is not specific, so if we do a link check, it
will not be distinguishable out of context.  At the beginner level, I don't
know that I wouldn't want to be more specific with the question.  For those
of us uncomfortable with our grasp of the syntax, this is the type of error
we are seeking.


Also, I have rethought my position on style sheets and having the styles
in-line in our examples.   I think from the very outset, everything that
belongs on a style sheet should go there.  This, unfortunately, would
require the doubling of the number of code blocks in the html section - one
for code, one for style - but good habits are best begun early.


Would you like to set up a time to talk, or arrange a conference call of all
interested parties on this?  I think it would be a good idea if we nailed
down the architecture of the beginner sections and how they relate to the
non-beginner/advanced sections, and perhaps set up an index and trouble
shooting guide, which I can populate as I go, and then we can build in the
links to the various syntaxes references later.


David R. Herz



Received on Thursday, 25 April 2013 07:14:31 UTC