Re: Place to put bug genie documentation.

We really need an entire section of the wiki dedicated to these docs. Doing
it under another section such as the editors guide can get rough if things
move around in the future.

Although, seeing this and doing some thinking I think we actually need to
move the Editors Guide around... What would probably make more sense is a
"Contributor's Guide" then have "Editing", "Design/Skin", "Project
Management", etc. as sub-sections of that. This way anyone wanting to
contribute in any way can go to one place to get the information they need.
Then under the PM section we could place the instructions on doing
different front-end tasks related to TBG.

Does a restructure like that seem reasonable to anyone else?

On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 12:00 PM, Julee <> wrote:

> Hi, Garbee:
> How about:
> Julee
> ----------------------------
> @adobejulee
> From: Jonathan Garbee <>
> Date: Friday, April 12, 2013 6:23 AM
> To: "" <>
> Subject: Place to put bug genie documentation.
> Resent-From: <>
> Resent-Date: Friday, April 12, 2013 6:23 AM
> So, today I am finishing up the new Filing Bugs tutorial [1] with pictures
> and all to hopefully make filing someones first issue more clear. I plan on
> currently just tweaking the current page to hold that content. Something we
> need to figure out though is where to place the other Bug Genie
> documentation that is being done. I originally thought to place it under
> WPD:TBG and have sub-pages from there on different usage tasks, but I feel
> "TBG" doesn't make much sense unless you know what it is.
> Does anyone have any thoughts on where we should put the docs? Do remember
> that there will really be two views in the documentation, one for front-end
> usage and one for administrating the system.
> Thanks,
> -Garbee
> [1]

Received on Friday, 12 April 2013 16:56:23 UTC