Norms around Deleting Articles

We've got a nascent procedure for deleting articles, documented at . It defines
how you mark an article for deletion, but doesn't say much about what's
supposed to happen after that.

Right now we're in the early stages of defining the site, so we all might
have different ideas on what should be deleted and what should not.
(Incidentally, we may *never *solve this; a debate has been raging on
Wikipedia forever between the deletionists and the inclusionists.)  We're a
community that prefers norms over rules (, but I think we should make
sure our norms are aligned.

Here's my current expectation:

If the page is not clearly spam and there's a primary author of the page
(for example, it was created recently by someone) at least *some *effort
should be made to involve that person in the deletion discussion before
deleting. Failing that, at least getting a quick sanity check "SGTM" from
someone on IRC is reasonable before deleting. If the discussion gets more
involved, it should move to e-mail.

Does that match with what others think?


Received on Wednesday, 17 October 2012 15:49:47 UTC