Re: Purpose of IRC and Q&A

 We really have three types of questions being discussed here:

   1. meta -  these questions would be about site operations, guidelines,
   site functionality, etc
   *"Is anyone working on reviewing [WPD_URL]?"*
   2. general - questions related to the documentation and other content
   provided on the site

   *"How would I use HTML's Target attribute to open in a new window?"*
   3. support - specific questions about a single individual's code,
   use-case, or implementation
   *"Why is my feature X not working?" or "How would I do X in Rails?"*

I think Paul's points re: IRC hold true for the Q&A section as well. Stack
Overflow caters (in large part) to support questions, and I don't see that
type of discussion being productive here based on my understanding of the
site's goals.

I also think the guidelines for IRC and Q&A should be exactly the same, and
that this should be made clear "at the door." If we can define and
agree-upon the "types" of questions that we see being posed, then I think
we should draft some guidelines and have both mediums follow them.

It seems that #webplatform-site is currently serving as a "dev" or "meta"
IRC channel. IMO this seems like a reasonable separation, but it's
something we should also consider/define.

Also, great work everyone!

- mdel

Received on Friday, 12 October 2012 12:19:49 UTC