Re: Web Platform DocSprint Berlin Germany (Re: Minutes: Community Telcon, 04-12-2012)

On 5 Dec 2012, at 16:15, Andre Jay Meissner <> wrote:

> (Sorry for the silence, have been flooded with other stuff for some time.)
> Our very first european DocSprint takes shape, I will hopefully be able to
> communicate a confirmed date and location before the DocSprint next week
> in Mountain View, which I will attend (even if only for the PM). Right now
> it *looks* like February 8 + 9, 2013.

Please let me know asap - Feb 8+9 is currently ok for me, as long as I can can leave midway through the second day (I have a gig in London booked that evening with my band). The week before would also be ok.

The week after that, I am playing some gigs at squats in Germany, including one in Berlin, amusingly. But I don't think I'd have much time for WPD that weekend. Geek documentation and rock and roll don't mix ;-)

> I hope Chris Mills can make that date as the "content facilitator" (I am
> the "logistics organizer" that day)? I've also invited a number of people
> including Hans-Christian Reinl and Christian Heilmann, so we're definetely
> not having a lacking of Chris'es at that gig. ;oD=

Yup, I'd be happy to take on that role, provided I can make it. And by February we should be able to have the IA/landing pages firmed up a bit, so we can really start to crank out work on getting the individual pages looking top notch.

> Sébastien, you're in as well, right?
> We plan to do two days for the sole purpose to have a party inbetween, and
> will put a strong focus on inviting community leaders to inspire them to
> replicate the event in their local communities (we might even have limited
> lodging). Of course the local standards focused groups are part of the
> gang to invite their communities as well.

Party? I'm sold. Will there be beer? ;-)

> We still need:
> - Swag
> - DocSprint specific artwork (if existant?) to print stuff
> - Reps from W3C, Google, hp, intel, Microsoft, Nokia, Facebook; any
> volounteers/suggestions? Ideally willing to act as…

W3C - I can kind of fly that flag ;-)
Google - Paul Kinlan? He's UK based, I think
Microsoft - Martin Beeby? UK-based dev rel for MS…
HP - ?
Intel - ?
Nokia - ?
Facebook - Tobie Langel is busier than god, but you might catch him on a good month ;-)

> - ...intro- (and probably inbetween) *speakers* (I want to do some
> additional "program")

as in, a few tech talks? I can offer my services to do one.

> - whatever comes to your mind!
> Feedback for Peter as requested:
> [...]
>> Actions carried forward
> [...]
>> * ACTION, Peter L: Create doc sprint in a Box package for docsprints
>> NOTE: progress made, see
>> and
>> Needs to be collated, re-orged, finished.
> Well done Peter! My 2 cents:
> - Produce and integrate a (much shorter) video than
> to inspire people to do
> DocSprints. 12/12 == awesome opportunity to do take some mood shots!
> - Clearer verbiage in the very last paragraph of that page. At the first
> glance to me it read like you don't want community participants or groups
>> 12 at all. ;)=
> Best,
> *Jay

Received on Thursday, 6 December 2012 13:24:01 UTC