Re: Prefixes in 2.2.1 Dictionary Browser Members

Niels Leenheer schreef op 2013-10-18 10:52:
> On Oct 17, 2013, at 10:19 PM, Ronald Mansveld 
> <> wrote:
>> As Doug mentioned in the earlier email, I'm currently writing the 
>> spec for the datamodel to exchange compatibility data.
>> The first draft can be found on: 
>> [1].
> I'm not sure it is really useful to define prefixes on this level.
> I'd rather see a prefix on the test result level.
> There is no guarantee that a prefixed defined here is actually used
> as the prefix for a specific features. For example older Presto based
> versions of Opera use the -o prefix in general, but they also support
> the -webkit prefix on very specific CSS properties. Also Safari might
> use -webkit in general, but on some CSS properties they use the -khtml
> prefix.
Ah, I've never been aware of the fact that a number of browser actually 
do use several prefixes (even though some may support competitor's 
prefixes, I assumed they would also include their own). If the prefix is 
indeed feature-dependent, we should definitely move the prefix to the 
testresult. That would also imply that the prefix-result can be removed, 
since the testresult then states if a prefix is to be used or not.

Received on Friday, 18 October 2013 10:56:39 UTC