Re: Payments activity - any point to our time and effort?

On 2016-03-11 14:26, Adrian Hope-Bailie wrote:
> On 11 March 2016 at 14:12, Anders Rundgren < <>> wrote:
>> There are literally thousands of applications out there that could
 >> benefit from COMBINING the power of the Web and App worlds

> If that is true then the publishers of those applications are the ones
 > you should be approaching to support your proposal.

How many web developers are actively or passively involved in W3C work?
My guess is something like 0.0001%.  That is, W3C isn't representative.

Anyway, my claim isn't that hard to validate if you really want.

It is BTW not only about combining technologies, it is also about reusing
(and "upgrading") the virtual army of app developers out there!


Received on Friday, 11 March 2016 16:12:10 UTC