Re: quantum payments demo

> generic ledger

What generic ledger are you using? Since you are using trezor and all of
your wording is very Bitcoin like I assume you are using the Bitcoin
Blockchain as the "generic ledger"?

Erik Anderson Bloomberg
On Fri, Jun 3, 2016, at 09:46 AM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> I've put together a little demo on the system im working on, called
> "quantum payments".  It's a layer that sits on top of generic ledger
> and payment technology (webcredits) and provides additional functions.
> You can try it here (webid required)
> Features
> - Secure decentralized login
> - Balance
> - Deposit via testnet
> - Off block transactions
> - Withdrawal requests
> - HTTP 402 for content
> - A media server that can accept new content
> - Linked data compatibility
> - Hierarchical Deterministic wallets used to securely generate
>   addresses
> A quick, more technical, explanation: A master key is generated via a
> trezor. The public key is public on the server. That is used to
> generate one address per webid. When money comes in, it is checked
> against the testnet block explorer, and when it is in the block, you
> can move it to your off block balance. Your balance can be used to do
> things like view content. I also built a faucet for people with no
> testnet coins. Payments can then all happen off block until you want
> to withdraw. Withdrawals are done via cold storage and the trezor,
> right now a withdrawal request is simply routed to the owner of the
> public key. But this will evolve over time.

Received on Monday, 6 June 2016 12:59:32 UTC