Spec/vision Clarification

Hi Payment-Lovers,

The JSONesque example below shows a very simple version of a possible Payment Request a la W3C Web Payments:

       "amount": "10.5",
       "currency": "USD",

However, assuming that the request is targeting a system along the lines of my published PoC [1], the message also has to hold native payment request data like this:

       "amount": "10.5",
       "currency": "USD",
       "customData": <native payment request data>

The question that comes to my mind is simply: What purpose does the W3C Payment Request have in this particular case?

Is the idea that "Wallets" like in the PoC, should use "amount" etc. from the W3C Payment Request and thus refrain from defining such data in the native version?  Unfortunately, there is no alternative for the PoC since the native part is signed (identifying a payee payment network member) and supposed to be countersigned by the user in order to create a fully end-to-end-secured solution using "stacked" signatures quite similar to what Cyril Vignet showed in his SCAI paper.

1] https://test.webpki.org/webpay-merchant

Received on Friday, 13 November 2015 07:09:52 UTC