Re: Building Linked Data into the Core of the Web

I think there is a difference between the web as Tim Berners-Lee envisioned
it and the web as it is (or perceived). To be honest, until a couple of
years ago I did not even know Tim Berners-Lee existed, but I knew that the
web did.

In the 90's I knew about AOL because they provided internet, and I wanted
it because of all the cool things provided with it.

In the late 90's I learned about Linux because there was a smart kid that
used it and was enthusiastic about it. Unfortunately I did not use it till
later because I was a bit afraid of tux the penguin, and I did not think I
was good at math, nor did I believe I was smart enough to figure it out.

In college some kids said that I should try out Facebook. It looked
impressive, I was excited to reconnect with old friends, and I had no clue
how it might work.

I think it is all about perception. Once people see linked data for what it
can do (and are enthusiastic about it), and believe they can use it, then
they will.

-Brent Shambaugh


On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 3:35 AM, Melvin Carvalho <>

> On 19 September 2014 03:49, Manu Sporny <> wrote:
>> On 09/14/2014 04:58 PM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>> > It is misleading (albeit inadvertent in regards to your post above)
>> > to infer that Linked Data isn't already the core of the Web. The
>> > absolute fact of the matter is that Linked Data has been the core of
>> > the Web since it was an idea [1][2].
>> Well, that's one of the points I make at the beginning of the talk. I
>> also mention that saying "Linked Data" is part of the core of the web is
>> a bit of a cop-out. Web developers don't understand that, and until they
>> do, I don't consider Linked Data as a core part of the Web in the same
>> way that HTML, Javascript, and HTTP is a core part of the Web. I was not
>> just coming at this from a technical standpoint, I was also making a
>> statement about the general Web developer community's understanding of
>> Linked Data.
> Not only is linked data part of the web, it was the *motivation* for the
> web.
> From day 1 the proposal back in 1989 was of an information system where
> data is linked:
> We have a lost generation of web 2.0 developers that mostly havent seen or
> understood the implications of that document.
> But saying that linked data is not in the core of the web is a bit like
> saying anonymous functions are not in the core of JavaScript.  Now it's
> true that 10 years ago most JS developers would not realize the elegance of
> the language.  But Douglas Cockroft came along and blew that all away with
> his "JavaScript, the good parts".
> There are different ways to convey the message, but I think it's hard to
> dispute that linked data is core to the web.
>> > Instead, we ended up with an incomprehensible, indefensible, and at
>> > best draconian narrative that has forever tainted the letters "R-D-F"
>> > . And HttpRange-14 as a censorship tool (based on its ridiculous
>> > history), that blurs fixing this horrible state of affairs.
>> +1
>> -- manu
>> --
>> Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
>> Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
>> blog: The Marathonic Dawn of Web Payments

Received on Friday, 19 September 2014 19:04:39 UTC