Re: First Draft of Web Payments CG ...

On 11/29/2014 12:11 PM, W3C Community Development Team wrote:
> On 2014-11-29 the Web Payments Community Group published the first 
> draft of the following specification:

Apologies for the mailing list spam, but it's unavoidable as those
emails are automatically sent out when we publish documents through the
W3C CG document publication system.

If people will remember, we had a vote quite some time ago to include
all these documents as work items:

While these documents had been listed as work items on the Web Payments
CG page:

They had not been included in the /W3C/ Web Payments CG page:

Not including the FPWDs on the latter page isn't really a big deal, but
while I was processing the FCGR for the Web Payments CG Use Cases 1.0
document, I thought I'd go ahead and list the other specs under active
development on the latter page as well. Hope that makes sense to
everyone, please ask questions if it doesn't. This "listing of FPWDs on
the W3C CG page" is all purely procedural stuff that doesn't have any
effect on IP/copyright concerns.

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: The Marathonic Dawn of Web Payments

Received on Saturday, 29 November 2014 17:28:49 UTC