Re: VOTE: Revised Payment Initiation / Wallet Web Payments Workshop Use Cases

On 07/22/2014 08:50 AM, Joseph Potvin wrote:
> RE: Use Case: A merchant advertises different details, such as price,
> for an offer of sale based on potential payment processor choice.
> I wish to ask if the "value-in-exchange benchmarking" issue I 
> presented about in Paris is intended to be incorporated in this use 
> case, or is benchmarking elsewhere and I haven't noticed?

The value-in-exchange benchmarking issue was deemed to be out of scope
for the first iteration (and is something that could be implemented by
payment processors w/o it being mandated via a specification). We don't
know if it's a good technical design to mandate it in the specification
because we can't really police it via technology. It's a policy
decision, not a technological one.

I've added the use case you mentioned back into the list for further

> Use Case: Payee and payers negotiate secure price in an open market.
>  They are free to choose all three essential attributes of the 
> numeric quantity expressing a price (e.g. 10.99), namely: a 
> unit-of-account (e.g. $ £ € ¥ etc.); a medium-of-exchange (e.g.
> debit card, credit card, web payment etc.); and, a value-in-exchange 
> benchmark (e.g. WM Reuters Spot Exchange; Purchasing Power Parity; 
> Commodity Index; etc.)

It's already agreed that we will support listing the unit-of-account,
and medium-of-exchange. I guess we could also support value-in-exchange
by providing an index URL along w/ the price of the good... so the way
one /could/ list items for sale is:

"payee": [{
    "id": "",
    "type": "Payee",
    "currency": "USD",
*** "priceBenchmark": "",
    "destination": "",
    "rate": "0.05",
    "rateType": "FlatAmount",
    "comment": "Payment for PaySwarm in Practice by Digital Bazaar."

We'll discuss in more detail on tomorrows call.

Who sets the value-in-exchange benchmark? The payer or the payee?

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: The Marathonic Dawn of Web Payments

Received on Wednesday, 30 July 2014 03:19:38 UTC