Re: Mapping credit-card payments into WebPayments

> On 01/02/2014 11:23 PM, Anders Rundgren wrote:
> > I'm trying to follow the WebPayment work but I have yet to understand
> > the scope.  Reading the docs I get the impression that the WebPayment
> > effort doesn't have any scope limitations.  If this is really the
> > case, would it be possible elaborating a bit on how VISA et al fits
> > into this framework?
> VISA, MasterCard, ChinaUnionPay, and every other credit card network
> could implement the technologies that we're creating in this group and
> run it alongside their network. That would give them the ability to
> process payments over their proprietary network /and/ over an open
> financial network.
> That said, the only thin that we have worked on related to credit cards
> and bank accounts here are vocabularies to express bank account, credit
> card, and debit card information (warning, terribly outdated / half-baked):
> There are references to that vocabulary in the main PaySwarm vocabulary
> here:
> With things like this:
> "ccard": "",
> "bankAccount": "bank:account",
> "bankAccountType": {"@id": "bank:accountType", "@type": "@vocab"},
> "bankRoutingNumber": "bank:routing",
> "BankAccount": "bank:BankAccount",
> "Checking": "bank:Checking",
> "Savings": "bank:Savings",
> "cardBrand": {"@id": "ccard:brand", "@type": "@vocab"},
> "cardCvm": "ccard:cvm",
> "cardExpMonth": {"@id": "ccard:expMonth", "@type": "xsd:integer"},
> "cardExpYear": {"@id": "ccard:expYear", "@type": "xsd:integer"},
> "cardNumber": "ccard:number",
> "AmericanExpress": "ccard:AmericanExpress",
> "ChinaUnionPay": "ccard:ChinaUnionPay",
> "CreditCard": "ccard:CreditCard",
> "Discover": "ccard:Discover",
> "Visa": "ccard:Visa",
> "MasterCard": "ccard:MasterCard",
> Those references are necessary for certain calls to payment processors
> (such as denoting your bank account or credit card as funding sources
> for your online account). So, that's really the extent to which credit
> cards and bank account numbers fit into this framework.
> The coupling is loose because tying in deeper to existing financial
> networks is something that is going to be very difficult to do (because
> the way you do it changes from country to country, as do the regulations).
> If Visa or MasterCard also wanted to provide a mechanism to operate on
> both networks simultaneously, they could do so. So, your Visa card would
> then be able to make payments to traditional credit card merchants, and
> you would also be able to make Web Payments to vendors that have payment
> terminals or websites that speak the new web payments protocol. Does
> that make sense?

Well, I don't really know since I have yet to understand how the Web Payment protocol works compared to for example 3D Secure.


> -- manu
> -- 
> Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
> Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
> blog: The Worlds First Web Payments Workshop

Received on Wednesday, 15 January 2014 17:17:22 UTC