Website changes - new logo, W3C branding issue

Hi all,

There have been two quick changes to the website this morning.

The first was a result of being contacted by the W3C communications team
regarding the use of the word 'standard' on the
website. Since this group is currently not a Working Group, they were
uneasy with the use of the word because it seemed to imply backing by
W3C membership, which we don't have yet (but may have after the
workshop(s) this year).

To be clear, nothing has changed with what we're working on here... just
the messaging to the public at large. The expectation is that the
technologies we work on here will be standards eventually, but calling
them that before there is a WG assigned is premature as far as W3C is
concerned. The discussion was friendly, and we're going to continue
talking about the language and messaging around the work we're doing
here. The word 'standards' has been replaced with 'technologies' for the
time being, until something better is chosen. So if anyone has a better
idea about what else we could use in its place, please speak up.

The second change is that we have a new logo for the group, which you'll
see at the top-left of the website here:

The SVG of the logo can be found here:

Feel free to submit different logos if you don't like it. We didn't have
one, so I just put one together really quickly.

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: The Worlds First Web Payments Workshop

Received on Monday, 6 January 2014 17:11:29 UTC