Re: [goodrelations] GoodRelations and Web Payments (aka. Payswarm)

On 12/28/2013 06:36 PM, Joseph Potvin wrote:
> Elf, On the topic of GoodRelations and WebPayments, see these postings
> from October:

Manu's reply comes a bit of help:

BTW I should have used search feature of this list!

I guess one may just need to specify types as:
{ "@type": ["payswarm:Asset", "schema:Product"] }
{ "@type": ["payswarm:Listing", "schema:Offer"] }

At the same time
* payswarm:Listing uses payswarm:asset to link to payswarm:Asset
* schema:Offer uses schema:itemOffered to link to schema:Product

* payswarm:assetProvider and schema:seller

I would like to see some examples of using those two vocabularies 
together in RDFa on single webpage. According to GoodRealations 
references O'Reilly uses it, maybe they would also like to experiment 
with using Web Payments...

Received on Thursday, 2 January 2014 19:13:35 UTC