Re: Statement on "participates heavily in work at the IETF"

On 02/08/2014 11:04 AM, Frode Kileng wrote:
> I just took a look at the new site. The text at 
> states regarding the Web Payments 
> Community Group:
> "/also participates heavily in work at the //Internet Engineering 
> Task Force (IETF) <>//./"

I've removed the word "heavily" as it leaves too much to interpretation:

> After attending IETF meetings for 10 years and closely following the
>  mailing lists for 20 years, this comes as a surprise for me. I've 
> never heard anything about, or from, the CG work and contributions
> at any physical meetings or any mailing lists.
> Could anyone please clarify this statement?

This group is composed of 139 participants, each one of them involved in
standards at varying capacities. I won't speak for the other
participants involvement w/ IETF (which is quite deep in certain areas),
so I'll outline just the areas where we've been active in the past
several years.

I've personally been involved with promoting this groups work to the
HTTPbis WG and HTTP/2. Julian Reschke, who edits a number of the HTTPbis
specifications as well as many other IETF documents and I have discussed
work around the Web and Web Payments for years. I've met face to face
with Mark Nottingham, who chairs the HTTP work, and various other people
involved at the IETF about Web Payments.

I've also been involved in moving the HTTP Signature Authentication
Scheme forward in the HTTP Auth WG. We've been involved with providing
very detailed feedback to the JOSE WG because one of our specs competes
with that stack. I've met in person with Karen O'Donahue, who Chairs
that work at the last W3C Technical Plenary. I've also communicated with
Richard Barnes (Realtime Applications and Infrastructure Area Director
at IETF) and Stephen Farrell (Security Area Director at IETF) about the
work we do here and coordinating it w/ IETF.

Here are some links that demonstrate our involvement with the IETF,
which I would classify as "heavy", but you may disagree. I only link to
the beginning of key threads, there are others:

I hope that helps clarify our involvement with the IETF. :)

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: The Worlds First Web Payments Workshop

Received on Tuesday, 11 February 2014 02:03:11 UTC