Re: HTTP Signatures specification updated

On 2014-02-08 03:29, Manu Sporny wrote:
> On 02/04/2014 03:51 AM, Anders Rundgren wrote:
>> Melvin, This is a generic problem.  In a system developed by the EU 
>> for dealing with e-passports over the border they "forgot" to say to 
>> the implementers how to deal with duplicates which have created a 
>> nightmare of non-interoperability.
>> If I were to rule, duplicates should be tolerated but of course not 
>> generate a new transaction.   This requires that each message
>> carries a (for the sender) unique ID but that is pretty much
>> standard.  Date doesn't IMO suffice.
> Dates don't suffice, true... but what about ISO 8601 datetimes that have
> nanosecond precision?

I wouldn't go there because it could be (by some people) called
a "kludge" and become a hurdle in a standardization process.

As a "solution" it is though entirely satisfactory :-)

Anyway, it is actually a bit nice to have a separate transaction/message
ID which for example could be strictly sequential.  The syntax should
preferably be limited to Base64.


> -- manu

Received on Saturday, 8 February 2014 05:29:42 UTC