Re: Apple AppStore revenues - 85%+ come from games

On 2014-12-11 19:49, Andy McKay wrote:
>>> If we are going to do in-app payments correctly, how are we going to
>>> know that we did them correctly if we don't have anyone from that
>>> industry involved?
> At Mozilla we treat in-app payments the same as any other payment past a certain point. The differences are around initiation of the payment and delivery, especially in terms of security.
> It’s hard for me to say exactly how that impacts this group, since I’m not sure exactly what this group covers. Lurking to try and  figure that out :)

Hi Andy,

Personally I'm trying to "fix the hole in the roof" [1] and leave the closed app-store schemes
to the device- and OS-vendors which AFAICT already have solved their problem.


1] Secure + Convenient + Distributed payments on the web.

In my vision this requires substantial updates to the client platform. OTOH isn't this a prerequisite for anybody trying to be competitive with Apple Pay?
Apple, Google, PayPal (and Mozilla?) doesn't bother about *Distributed* payment schemes so this is the anticipated "Killer Feature" :-)

> Andy

Received on Friday, 12 December 2014 10:23:15 UTC