Re: Early Prototype -- Web App Market


i wrote mail about this very early where the topic was to use some
wordpress or the like.

now how can i dereference an offer (app), can i sparql for offers?
how can others incorporate such an offer?
is there any meaningful extensible categorization system?

wkr turnguard


On Tue, 2012-08-28 at 21:26 +0200, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> Now that the RWW is starting to have social systems based on Web
> Standards (REST, HTTP, Linked Data) I thought it would be a good idea
> to have a place holder for apps that can be deployed to the Web.
> The three advantages of this are:
>       * Showcase some existing apps
>       * Allow users to add more functionality to their social
>         experience
>       * Add payment technology so that authors can be incentivized
>         more
> I've started an early prototype for these two which I'll be fleshing
> out over time.
> This is a non commercial open website, donated to the community.  It's
> based on wordpress to show a portfolio of apps.  And also the payswarm
> wordpress plugin as a proof of concept for payments.  Currently
> payments are working with the dev payswarm authority.
> There are many app markets out there today, 
>       * Ubuntu app market
>       * IOS App market
>       * Android app market
>       * Microsoft app merkt
>       * Facebook app center
>       * OpenSocial
>       * Twitter apps
>       *
>       * Chrome app store
>       * Mozilla app store
>       * 5apps
> To name a few.  The hope is to make, via HTML5 and the Open Web
> Platform a growing ecosystem which will be the intersection of app
> markets.
> There should be no censorship, but spam and malware should be removed.
> If anyone wishes to add apps, become an administrator or help develop
> on the system, please email me for a password.
> Next steps will be to start adding apps and work on the payments
> system.
> Feedback welcome!  I'll send out more updates as things improve!

| Jürgen Jakobitsch, 
| Software Developer
| Semantic Web Company GmbH
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Received on Tuesday, 28 August 2012 20:51:07 UTC