from May 2021 by subject

[w3c/payment-handler] Remove "instrument" concept from PaymentManager (#371)

[w3c/payment-handler] Remove support for address, contact info from PR API (align with pull request 955) (#389)

[w3c/payment-method-basic-card] Drop references to now gone PaymentAddress and AddressErrors interfaces (#89)

[w3c/payment-request] Add dir/lang member on dictionaries whose content is displayed in browser UI (#327)

[w3c/payment-request] Add latitude and longitude to PaymentAddress interface? (#677)

[w3c/payment-request] Add optional description to PaymentShippingOption (#910)

[w3c/payment-request] Add payerGivenName + payerFamilyName to PaymentAddress (#480)

[w3c/payment-request] Add phonetic name as one of `PaymentAddress` properties (#837)

[w3c/payment-request] Add regionCode attribute to PaymentAddress (1.1) (#836)

[w3c/payment-request] Adding custom fields next after shipping options have been added. (#548)

[w3c/payment-request] Allow incremental request of billing and shipping address (#873)

[w3c/payment-request] Derive direction from document element too (#956)

[w3c/payment-request] Drop PaymentAddress, shipping + billing address support (#955)

[w3c/payment-request] Google Pay disappears from payment methods list (#935)

[w3c/payment-request] Lessdata (#955)

[w3c/payment-request] Localizability of errors (#951)

[w3c/payment-request] Localization and string metadata for descriptions (#948)

[w3c/payment-request] looks like a minor typo in the example code (#958)

[w3c/payment-request] Matching PaymentAddress fields to autofill attributes (#932)

[w3c/payment-request] Merchant-specified default shipping address (#653)

[w3c/payment-request] Missing language/locale negotiation mechanism (#946)

[w3c/payment-request] PaymentAddress 'region' inconsistencies (#663)

[w3c/payment-request] PaymentRequest does not handle the case of store pickup (#389)

[w3c/payment-request] Pre-calculate shipping costs for available addresses (#615)

[w3c/payment-request] Pre-filter shipping addresses, e.g. by country (#614)

[w3c/payment-request] Proposal to add optional "description" string field to PaymentShippingOption dictionary (#902)

[w3c/payment-request] Remove modifiers (#957)

[w3c/payment-request] Richer negotiation re: address redaction? (#842)

[w3c/payment-request] Ship Mode Update for PO BOX (#888)

[w3c/payment-request] Shipping Address Validation - Suggest Alternate Address (#537)

[w3c/payment-request] Split shipping address from Payment Request API 1.0 (#939)

Last message date: Wednesday, 26 May 2021 01:44:36 UTC