Re: [w3c/payment-request] Define PaymentResponse.prototype.retry() method (#720)

marcoscaceres commented on this pull request.

> +              <li>In the payments UI, indicate to the end-user that something
+              is wrong with the user-provided data of the payment response.
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                <p>
+                  The <var>retryPromise</var> will later be resolved or
+                  rejected by either the <a>user accepts the payment request
+                  algorithm</a> or the <a>user aborts the payment request
+                  algorithm</a>, which are triggered through interaction with
+                  the user interface.
+                </p>
+                <p data-test="rejects_if_not_active.https.html">
+                  If <var>document</var> stops being <a data-cite=
+                  "!HTML#fully-active">fully active</a> while the user
+                  interface is being shown, or no longer is by the time this
+                  step is reached, then:

Good point. But we still need this for when the UI is being presented (as happens in `show()` step 19). Adding both checks. 

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