[w3c/payment-handler] "PaymentRequestEvent dictionary" makes no sense (#191)
[w3c/payment-handler] Add CanMakePaymentEvent. (#170)
[w3c/payment-handler] Add explicit permission call to allow payment app to handle payments (#94)
[w3c/payment-handler] Allow Payment instrument to respond with user data (#218)
[w3c/payment-handler] Clarification about data in PaymentRequestEvent (#219)
[w3c/payment-handler] Fixed small things in the text and code example (#220)
[w3c/payment-handler] respondWith behavior not specified (#190)
[w3c/payment-handler] Return origin of payment app in PaymentHandlerResponse data? (#217)
- Rouslan Solomakhin (Wednesday, 4 October)
- Marcos Cáceres (Wednesday, 4 October)
- Marcos Cáceres (Wednesday, 4 October)
- ianbjacobs (Wednesday, 4 October)
- Marcos Cáceres (Wednesday, 4 October)
- ianbjacobs (Wednesday, 4 October)
- Marcos Cáceres (Tuesday, 3 October)
- ianbjacobs (Tuesday, 3 October)
- Marcos Cáceres (Tuesday, 3 October)
- ianbjacobs (Tuesday, 3 October)
- Marcos Cáceres (Tuesday, 3 October)
- ianbjacobs (Tuesday, 3 October)
[w3c/payment-request] Add way to update `total` and `displayItems` before `.show()` (#639)
[w3c/payment-request] Allow default option for donation in PaymentShippingType (#638)
[w3c/payment-request] Dealing with name as returned by the API (i18n) (#634)
[w3c/payment-request] Decide on currencySystem (#617)
[w3c/payment-request] Editorial: Reuse "digital goods" (#636)
[w3c/payment-request] Extract actionable items from @lknik's review (#641)
[w3c/payment-request] Handling Digital Assets (i.e. Bitcoin and Ethereum) (#635)
[w3c/payment-request] Is browser support for PR API configurable? (#642)
[w3c/payment-request] onpaymentchange event to validate payment details (#634)
[w3c/payment-request] payment modifier brings error (#637)
[w3c/payment-request] Regulatory Compliance Support (#632)
[w3c/payment-request] Should API support billing address capture (for tax computation)? (#27)
[w3c/payment-request] Show example of .complete("unknown") (#584)
[w3c/payment-request] Third-party payment handlers (#640)
[w3c/payment-request] Unclear what happens when multiple PRs call show() (#462)
Last message date: Monday, 30 October 2017 22:55:44 UTC