Re: Web Payments WG Charter Changes

RE: "Although I totally understand there are a lot of different opinions
over what exactly constitutes a “digital wallet” I think the charter needs
to settle on an explicit definition"


Futher to the document that Arie just linked to, which observes: "The
‘mobile wallet wars’, as they call it, has been heating up like crazy since
the three giants, Apple, Google and Samsung all announced the launch of
their respective m-payment services."

Can you let us know the status of negotiations amongst Apple, Google and
Samsung toward a single definition of "digital wallet"?

Joseph Potvin
Operations Manager | Gestionnaire des opérations
The Opman Company | La compagnie Opman
Mobile: 819-593-5983
LinkedIn <>

On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 12:29 PM, Nick Shearer <> wrote:

> Although I totally understand there are a lot of different opinions over
> what exactly constitutes a “digital wallet” I think the charter needs to
> settle on an explicit definition, rather than a pragmatic approach. It
> would be most unfortunate if, for example, Participant A in the WG had a
> completely different idea as to what “digital wallet” meant than
> Participant B.
> On Oct 11, 2015, at 4:14 PM, Joseph Potvin <> wrote:
> RE: 6. Definition of "digital wallet"
> Based on earlier list discussions, it seems there's more than one "school
> of thought" about this. Certainly there is disagreement in the payments
> industry as to how to define it.
> According to Mobile Payments Today’s “Mobile Wallet Comparison Guide
> 2015,” it is as difficult to determine a precise definition for a ‘mobile
> wallet’ as it is to determine the total number of mobile wallet providers."
> Source:
> Therefore I'd like to suggest that this be approached as "Definitions of
> "digital wallet".
> By approaching this in a dualistic or if appropriate, a pluralistic way,
> we'd at least make progress towards understanding what the various camps
> agree and disagree about.
> A pragmatic consideration is that it will likely be much quicker to arrive
> at two or three interesting and useful definitions of "digital wallet"
> than to arrive a single one.
> Joseph Potvin
> Project Coordinator, DataKinetics
> Operations Manager | Gestionnaire des opérations
> The Opman Company | La compagnie Opman
> Mobile: 819-593-5983
> LinkedIn <>
> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 6:36 PM, Nitin Gaur <> wrote:
>> I'd be happy to add to Digital Wallet definitions and non browser flows.
>> N
>> :)
>> Nitin Gaur
>> IBM Blockchain
>> 512-789-5300
>> -----Manu Sporny <> wrote: -----
>> To: Web Payments IG <>
>> From: Manu Sporny <>
>> Date: 10/07/2015 09:44PM
>> Subject: Web Payments WG Charter Changes
>> Here's a list of changes to aid us in reviewing the updated Web
>> Payments WG Charter:
>> Front Matter
>> 1. Initial Chairs - missing second chair?
>> 2. Goals greatly simplified.
>> Scope
>> 3. Scope simplified to only include messages, flows, and "an API"
>> 4. Mentions of a "mediating use agent" API
>> 5. Shift from "standardize" to "Recommend"
>> Definitions
>> 6. Definition of "digital wallet"
>> Require Capabilities
>> 7. Simplification of introductory text
>> 8. Pre-payment "with the user agent" vs. "via the user agent"
>> 9. Negotiation - simplification of language
>> 10. Addition of "deferred payment execution"
>> Digital Wallets
>> 11. Shortened definition of digital wallet
>> 12. Non-browser payment flows API
>> 13. loyalty schemes and coupons, digital receipts, digital credentials,
>>     tickets, and location services are out of scope.
>> Security and Privacy Considerations
>> 14. Minor updates to language
>> Web Payments Messages Recommendation
>> 15. Minor changes + server-to-server communication language added
>> Web Payments APIs Recommendation
>> 16. Gross simplification of text
>> Process and Planning
>> 17. New section on preferring CG input and W3C Member Submissions
>> Licensing
>> 18. New permissive document licensing section
>> -- manu
>> --
>> Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
>> Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
>> blog: Web Payments: The Architect, the Sage, and the Moral Voice

Received on Wednesday, 14 October 2015 10:47:26 UTC