[payment arch] Payment Architecture Capabilities

We had a bit of a breakthrough today on the Payment Architecture call
wrt. how to describe the "technical things that have to exist to achieve
our vision".

Pat suggested that we use the term "capabilities". Capabilities are what
the system must support at a high-level w/o delving into the specific
technologies that should be used. They are subtly different from
features and requirements.

To prioritize the work, we decided to take the version 1 and version 2
Payment Architecture Priorities from this document:


and translate them into "capabilities" in the Payment Architecture document:


It's very rough, but here are the capabilities we have so far:

Merchant publication of Offer of Sale
Search Engine Indexability of Offers of Sale
Payer-initiated payment via User Agent
Transmission of Invoice from Payee to Payer
Routing of Invoice from Merchant to Payment Service Provider
Routing of Proof from Payment Service Provider to Merchant
Verifiable Proof of Payment
Digital Delivery of Purchased Digital Goods and Services
Extensible Message Format
Verifiable and Tamper-proof Messages
Machine-readable/interpretable Data
Accessible Interfaces for People with Disabilities
Discovery of Available Payment Agents
Privacy of Payer Agent Information
Secure communications between Payment Agents
Authentication and Authorization of Entities and User Agents

Clearly we have a lot of refining and categorization left to do, but I
think we've found a way forward that'll enable rapid progress w/ the
heart of the Payment Architecture document.

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: The Marathonic Dawn of Web Payments

Received on Friday, 8 May 2015 05:05:16 UTC