Re: Dwolla's Ben Milne says it like a boss...

On 30 October 2014 17:25, Reutzel, Bailey <>

>  BBVA just partnered with Dwolla to enable low cost, real-time payments…
> This story is behind our paywall, but when I asked BBVA how this relates
> to the Fed’s push for real-time payments, he said there continues to be
> conversations and they continue to stay as conversations… So they’re moving
> ahead.
> And then Ben Milne, CEO of Dwolla, summed it up in what I think is a
> pretty awesome statement:
> "The conversation around real-time, up until this point, has centered
> around standards, rules and policy," said Ben Milne, CEO of Dwolla.
> "There's a place for those conversations, but real-time needs to be thought
> of as a platform for innovation, to allow developers to stream payments to
> and from their applications, utility companies to charge for energy by the
> minute, marketplaces to make disbursements instantly or financial
> institutions to build new B2B products."
> Just thought it was worth sending out to the group. J
> -B
> "This communication is intended solely for the addressee and is
> confidential and not for third party unauthorized distribution"

I think real-time should be the default.  In fact, so much so, that it
shouldnt even be a thing.

How would you explain to a young person the concept a realtime SMS, or a
realtime email, or a realtime phone call.

They would say to you, was it ever any other way?

When we tell our grand children that it used to take days to deliver a
payment, they should, rightly, laugh at the thought...

Received on Thursday, 30 October 2014 17:35:55 UTC