Review of Sean Bechofer's OWL Doc


My name is Michael Grove, and I implemented the species vaildator for 
MINDSWAP's Pellet project.  I wanted to send in my thoughts on Sean's 
Parsing OWL document.

All in all, I felt the document was very complete.  I have read the document 
at several points in it's evolution, and the latest is a very good summary 
of most if not all the points of discussion surrounding the implementation 
of a species validator.  This latest version gets into many of the nitty 
gritty details, and does good job of explaining them.  The section on 
structure sharing is well written for something as confusing as that 
particular issue.  The explanation is complete and it's step by step layout 
is easy to understand.

I feel that most people would be able to use his write-up as a guideline for 
creating their own OWL ontology species vaildator.  I know that I personally 
found the earlier versions quite helpful, and the current version is as good 
as it gets.  I give it five stars, two thumbs up, whatever your favorite 
cliche is.

Thanks for your time.



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Received on Wednesday, 26 November 2003 14:41:03 UTC