WebML CG Teleconference – 18 February 2021

Hi All,

Please find today's minutes at:


We discussed Working Group advancement, TAG feedback, and Privacy feedback.

Key takeaways below.

# Working Group

Please give a heads up to your W3C Advisory Committee rep (https://www.w3.org/Member/ACList) that the Web Machine Learning Working Group Charter formal review is starting and the ACs should see a mail about it next week.

# TAG feedback

Please continue provide your comments to the TAG via GH issues:


The editors will address the feedback considering the group's feedback as demonstrated by Chai:


# Privacy feedback

Here's our initial response to the Privacy feedback, please take a look:


Per discussion, we identified one normative change proposal informed by the Privacy feedback, please review:



-Anssi (WebML CG Chair)

Received on Thursday, 18 February 2021 18:05:33 UTC