WebML CG F2F Day 1 – 17 September 2019 - meeting minutes

Hi All,

Thanks for the productive F2F Day 1. It was great to meet you all F2F. Draft minutes at:


Please find the WebGPU-WebNN interop (by Ningxin) and MLIR exploration (by Nikhil) presentation slides from the agenda at:


We deferred the Day 1 topic "operation set" to Day 2 in the interest of time.

Day 2 of our F2F takes place Fri 20 Sep 2019 15:30-17:30 (JST) in the same room Kei (3rd floor).

See you again on Friday!


-Anssi (WebML CG chair)

Received on Tuesday, 17 September 2019 06:55:36 UTC