Getting started in W3C Machine Learning for the Web Community Group

Hi All,

At WebML CG F2F meeting [1] the group agreed to start its work by soliciting use cases that'll inform the spec work. We reviewed a bunch of great use cases [2] by Tomoyuki and agreed to iterate on them further, add and expand.

I just created a repo for the group's initial spec "Web Neural Network API" since the group's preference was to document use cases in the spec itself to be used as a starting point. You can find the repo here:

And it's hosted at:

I also created a super simple landing page for the group that'll contain links to useful resources:

Stay tuned for more. I know many people are still in process of joining, so bear with us as we get up to speed.


-Anssi (WebML CG chair)


Received on Wednesday, 31 October 2018 19:19:37 UTC