Re: [minutes] 2014-05-05 Webizen task force meeting

On 5/6/2014 6:35 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote:
> On 5/6/14 2:59 AM, Coralie Mercier wrote:
>> My understanding is that the agenda item will actually be issue-focused.
> Good. So when do you plan to make the proposal to the AC?

As with other Headlights task forces, we started in February/March, will 
continue to the AC meeting to get AC input and conclude at our internal 
Woods meeting in July.

Much of the content of the proposal has been stable for some time, and 
AC reps are encouraged at any time to read the wiki and comment on the 
proposal.  They need not wait until the AC meeting.

For those AC reps waiting for the content to stabilize so they can read 
the "final" proposal, I'm afraid I can't be very helpful.  You see, we 
keep on getting quality input as more people hear about it, and I don't 
want to discourage input.  So if we get more quality input, even close 
to the AC meeting, we might make more changes.

For example, the voting section had been stable for some time.  If you 
had asked me two weeks ago, I would have said it was done.  Last week we 
received high quality input and on yesterday's call we decided to revamp 
that section.

>> I've made a separate section in the wiki:
> Alrighty.

Received on Tuesday, 6 May 2014 13:21:57 UTC