Number of representatives


I like the idea of the representatives, but I think there are a few things  
that we should consider.

There isn't a clear linear comparison between number of AC reps and income  
- the difference is more than an order of magnitude between very big and  
very small members already. But that is somewhat balanced by the fact that  
big members *generally* have far more effective power, by having more  
employees who can participate than smaller organisations.

The number of "webizen representatives" should probably be capped at some  
fraction of the number of overall AC representatives.

Getting this perfect isn't as important as it seems. The AC advise, rather  
than being able to do anything useful in a strict up/down vote. So numbers  
matters far less than the quality of your representative - and for that  
matter, your ability to determine "facts on the ground", since W3C doesn't  
have any procedure to require following its decisions.

Rather than taking a straight line approach, I suggest we allocate a  
number of potential representative places on a sliding basis. I  
specifically propose:
- a minimum of 3 for up to 1000 webizens
- adding 2 representatives for every doubling of the number of webizens up  
to 100k
- 23 representatives at 100k, and
- adding 4 representative for every doubling thereafter

This would mean 103 million webizens would have 83 representatives.

Before we reached such a point I think we would consider changing the  
nature of the organisation more seriously. Probably Long before such a  
point. If each of 100M people paid $*1* / year, the W3C budget would be  
massively different. Although unless we get some sensible mechanism for  
web-based micropayment, with current technology the most likely outcome of  
all that new income is a major overall deficit :(



Charles McCathie Nevile - Consultant (web standards) CTO Office, Yandex         Find more at

Received on Saturday, 3 May 2014 11:27:58 UTC