Re: Resigning from chair

On 2024-03-25 14:14, Jacopo Scazzosi wrote:
> Hi all,
> I’ve decided to resign from chairing this group and editing the specs. It’s become too much for me to handle.
> Is there anyone who would like to become the new chair and/or editor?
> Best,
> Jacopo.

Dear all,

I'd like to acknowledge that Jacopo has been consistently and tirelessly 
doing great work as chair and editor on various fronts. I am sorry to 
hear that this has become a stressful situation for you.

I recognise and acknowledge my own shortcomings; it is not always easy 
to be the best version of ourselves when we're juggling strong 
convictions and passion for our work.

Jacopo, I believe your contributions are invaluable to the CG, and can 
only wholeheartedly encourage you to continue in your role as chair. I'd 
appreciate your re-consideration.

On the practical end, I'm happy to support you and others to continue to 
their best work towards meeting CG's goals. And, I hope we can take this 
point as an opportunity to reflect and find ways to be ever more 

I'd once again like the group to reconsider having video/audio meetings 
now and then - allows for more human interaction and better communication.


Received on Wednesday, 27 March 2024 13:37:05 UTC