seeking a new (co-) chair

Thanking Jacopo for his incredible contribution, I think he achieved more
in one quarter, than we did in multiple years previous.  An incredible
amount of work, and while I think the door would be open for him to
continue as chair or co-chair, it is understandable that he wants to step
back.  Thank you Jacopo, I hope you stick around!

That potentially leaves the group without a chair, and in danger of closing
completely after 15 years.

This might be a good point to throw in the towel, however, I do think
there's a few more loose ends that could be usefully tied up.  For example,
the definition of WebID is something that IMHO could useful be a work item
and a note (TBD).

I suggest we move forward only if we have a chair.  And that should be
roughly speaking on a lazy consensus basis.

I propose, someone to self-volunteer on the mailing list.  With 2+ ACKs and
no NACKs, open for, say, 2 weeks.

Another option would be for someone to offer to be a "back stop" and say,
they will be a caretaker chair, if no one else volunteers.

The final option is to close the group.

Personally I lean towards keeping going, but at a reduce pace.  The years
2014-2023 were a bit too slow, and the years 2023-2024 were a bit to fast,
imho.  A happy medium of slow but steady progress might enable the
completion of some technical items before all is said and done.

Please do speak up if there's a will to continue the work of WebID. I for
one would like to finish off some of the work, which is almost over the

Received on Tuesday, 26 March 2024 14:45:13 UTC