Re: feasibility of dropping Turtle=MUST from WebID ED 2014

so 6. 1. 2024 v 17:42 odesílatel Wouter Termont <>

> Melvin, just letting you know I replied to your mail on github:

Thanks for this, Wouter

I largely agree with all of it.  I dont want to selectively quote you here,
but I have replied to various bits on github.

I've come to the conclusion that WebID 1.0 ED 2014 should not be touched.
At least, not for now.

I would also like to argue that non backwards compatible changes should
incur a (major) version bump.

> On Sat, Jan 6, 2024 at 8:18 AM Melvin Carvalho <>
> wrote:
>> Been having some interesting chats with Kingsley, and one route that he
>> has suggested to get to our goal of a modern webid set of specs would be to
>> drop Turtle=MUST
>> I personally see this as something that would be hard to gain consensus
>> on because:
>> 1. The spec is already in use
>> 2. Solid is at least loosely based on this work
>> 3. Dropping MUST means that there is no guaranteed interop, potentially
>> degrading the UX in some systems
>> 4. Timbl might not be in favour of such a change
>> I could be completely wrong on any or all of these things, but I thought
>> I'd ask the group, so that we spend our time on the things with best chance
>> of proceeding
>> If we can rule this path out then I think we have a relatively easy task
>> of defining a webid, writing examples and tests, then have multiple
>> profiles based on that shared understanding, of which WebID ED 2015, can be
>> one
>> In short, I think we're 90% of the way home after defining the key webid
>> terms in a stable place
>> Just wondering what folks think on this path, if removing turtle=MUST
>> it's a non-starter, it would be good to establish early.  And that gives us
>> better clarity to get the modernized definitions and spec over the line,
>> modulo a few compromises.

Received on Thursday, 11 January 2024 04:03:23 UTC