Re: webid serializations consensus 2023

čt 15. 6. 2023 v 18:28 odesílatel Jacopo Scazzosi <>

> > Solid I believe mandates conneg, and BOTH Turthe and JSON-LD.  So
> anything in WebID will have to work with that reality.  There might be some
> text that accommodates both, but it would have to be done quickly and get
> consensus.
> Based on prior discussions both here and on GitHub, I think that this
> comment
> still represents a good chunk of shared ground that is also compatible with
> Solid, at least insofar as I understand. It might or might not be useful as
> a starting point. Reading through that entire conversation is quite useful
> to quickly get an idea of where some of us stand.

That makes sense.  Using SHOULD might work well.

> That said, is there anyone in this list who’d like to take on the effort
> of rallying, mediating and pushing towards WebID 1.0? If not, it would
> probably be a good idea to leave it to the Solid WG. I would likely
> disagree with the final outcome but mere disagreement does not push things
> forward and I’ve already tried my hand - and failed - at doing so.

I would like to get to webid 1.0, but we need to be realistic.  In several
years we have been able to get that over the line, despite stop and start
approaches.  So at this point the most likely way to get to 1.0 is to hand
it over to the solid WG.  We also dont want to make so many changes as to
slow down the WG, or they might drop it completely.

All of the things that everyone wanted will not get handed over, because we
are time constrained.  A few of the major things we got consensus on, such
as making JSON-LD primary could and should be handed over.  The Solid WG
consensus could also end up being different from the CG Consensus.

If working on 1.0, the changes would need to be small to have a chance of
surviving, IMHO.

Alternatively after the solid WG is finished (which might take a few years)
the next version of WebID could be something this group could ask to work

Received on Thursday, 15 June 2023 16:38:46 UTC