Re: WebID and Content Negotiation

Hi all, 

> I think at this point we need to put the prose behind us and make HTTP
> request/response examples for each use case, in order to remove any
> ambiguity.

Examples are a good idea. However, we should first agree on whether "canonical"
implies MUST or SHOULD. I would be ok with the spec suggesting support for a
canonical/SHOULD format and I would be ok with the spec suggesting no canonical
format at all. I would not be ok with the spec mandating support for a 
canonical/MUST format. We should also specify, per each case, whether the
server supports conneg and thus whether it can understand when a client is
expressing a preference.

We can try to declinate examples per each combination of MUST/SHOULD,
conneg/no-conneg, preference/no-preference but that would be a lot of examples.
Is there a chance that we can converge a little bit more before drafting examples?

> Content Negotiation is an implementation detail that has no business being in
> the WebID spec.

The current spec/draft mentions conneg, which is why I am in favour of keeping 
it optional while still mentioning it. I would also be ok with not mentioning
it at all, I think.

> We should start by changing the topic of this thread regarding 
> content-negotiation from "WebID and Content Negotiation" to "WebID Profile
> Documents and Content Negotiation".

> That simple change will be very useful to the general conversation. If not,
> we will continue to burn time on a conflated issue rife with confusion, IMHO.

I don't *think* I am making this particular mistake but happy to be corrected.

Best regards,

> On 27 Jan 2022, at 21:15, Kingsley Idehen <> wrote:
> On 1/27/22 1:51 PM, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 27, 2022 at 7:19 PM Jacopo Scazzosi <> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>>> Could we come to a consensus that content negotiation is optional for
>>>> current and future WebID work?
>>> I agree that it should remain optional, as per the current WebID spec/draft:
>>> a) conneg tends to be incompatible with hosting of static resources
>>> b) conneg comes with its own complexity, which should not be forced upon
>>>    adopters of the spec
>>> In practice, this entails that a client asking for a specific serialization
>>> format might:
>>> - receive a response in the requested format
>>> - receive a "406 Not Acceptable" response if the requested format is not
>>>   supported by the publisher but basic conneg is
>>> - receive the response in a different format if the publisher does not support
>>>   conneg
>>> I'm happy with all three implications.
>> I think at this point we need to put the prose behind us and make HTTP
>> request/response examples for each use case, in order to remove any
>> ambiguity. Request examples:
>> 1. No format preference (canonical format is Turtle)
>> GET /webid
>> 2. Canonical format (Turtle) is preferred
>> GET /webid
>> Accept: text/turtle, application/rdf+xml;q=0.8
>> 3. Non-canonical RDF format is preferred and supported by the server
>> GET /webid
>> Accept: application/rdf+xml, text/turtle;q=0.8
>> 4. Non-canonical RDF format is preferred and *not* supported by the server
>> a. without fallback
>> GET /webid
>> Accept: application/rdf+xml
>> b. with Turtle as fallback
>> GET /webid
>> Accept: application/rdf+xml, text/turtle;q=0.8
>> 5. HTML is preferred and supported by the server
>> GET /webid
>> Accept: text/html, text/turtle;q=0.8
>> 6. HTML is preferred and *not* supported by the server
>> a. without fallback
>> GET /webid
>> Accept: text/html
>> b. with Turtle as fallback
>> GET /webid
>> Accept: text/html, text/turtle;q=0.8
>>> Best regards,
>>> Jacopo.
> Hi Martynas,
> Here's a suggestion.
> We should start by changing the topic of this thread regarding content-negotiation from "WebID and Content Negotiation" to "WebID Profile Documents and Content Negotiation".
> That simple change will be very useful to the general conversation. If not, we will continue to burn time on a conflated issue rife with confusion, IMHO.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Kingsley Idehen 
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Received on Thursday, 27 January 2022 20:35:08 UTC