Re: WebID and Content Negotiation

Quoting Jacopo Scazzosi (2022-01-27 19:18:29)
> > Could we come to a consensus that content negotiation is optional 
> > for current and future WebID work?
> I agree that it should remain optional, as per the current WebID 
> spec/draft:
> a) conneg tends to be incompatible with hosting of static resources
> b) conneg comes with its own complexity, which should not be forced 
>    upon adopters of the spec
> In practice, this entails that a client asking for a specific 
> serialization format might:
> - receive a response in the requested format
> - receive a "406 Not Acceptable" response if the requested format is 
>   not supported by the publisher but basic conneg is
> - receive the response in a different format if the publisher does not 
>   support conneg
> I'm happy with all three implications.

Excellent put: I fully agree with all that Jacopo wrote above!

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website:

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Received on Thursday, 27 January 2022 18:24:39 UTC