Re: WebID and Content Negotiation

Hi all,

> Could we come to a consensus that content negotiation is optional for
> current and future WebID work?  

I agree that it should remain optional, as per the current WebID spec/draft:

a) conneg tends to be incompatible with hosting of static resources
b) conneg comes with its own complexity, which should not be forced upon
   adopters of the spec

In practice, this entails that a client asking for a specific serialization
format might:

- receive a response in the requested format
- receive a "406 Not Acceptable" response if the requested format is not
  supported by the publisher but basic conneg is
- receive the response in a different format if the publisher does not support

I'm happy with all three implications.

Best regards,

Received on Thursday, 27 January 2022 18:18:48 UTC