Re: WebID default serialization for WebID 2.x

Am 21.01.22 um 13:18 schrieb Melvin Carvalho:
> For future implementations, I propose that WebID 2.x:

I support working on a 2.x version of the spec. It's good to have 
already a constructive discussion about technical details, but we should 
also talk about scope and focus. It's important that we can agree on a 
scope. Otherwise, people may derive different requirements to the spec. 
A focus could be used to define defaults.

How I see the scope (in random order):

1. Identifier for people
2. Identifier for agents
3. Identifier on the Web
4. Identifier in enterprise environments
5. Used by Web applications
6. Used by IoT applications
7. Used by authentication protocols

The focus would be: (1) + (3) + (5) + (7)

Based on this scope and focus, I see JSON-LD as the default 
serialization, maybe with a default context/frame and probably with 
recommended properties.

Some examples of requirements I see based on the scope:

(4) and (6) may require alternative protocols to HTTP, and therefore the 
URLs should not be restricted to http(s)://.
(6) may require a binary serialization, and therefore the serialization 
must be defined with SHOULD but not with MUST.


Received on Saturday, 22 January 2022 21:27:19 UTC