Re: Inrupt WebIDs

On Fri, Aug 12, 2022 at 4:27 PM Angelo Veltens <>

> I do not have insight into Inrupt's motivation, but I like the new form
> better (which does not mean I like the fact that URIs changed...)
> Why?
> The /profile/card#me version is very bulky
> The new form comes closer to what casual users know from e.g. twitter and
> other services, compare:
Just, regarding the twitter URI

It's slightly problematic because it is mixing the document and the data

So something that applies to the document (e.g. created) would also apply
to the user, when actually both were created at different times

> It might be less confusing for new users and is imho easier to grasp when
> it shows up somewhere.
> Kind regards,
> Angelo
> Am 12.08.22 um 16:15 schrieb Melvin Carvalho:
> I found this blog post from Inrupt interesting.  They are basically
> changing all their WebIDs.
> Before the change:
> WebIDs had the form:
> * <><user>/profile/card#me *
> (We refer to this as the “old form” of WebID below)
> After the change:
> WebIDs will be updated to:
> * <><user>*
> (We refer to this as the “new form” of WebID below)
> It was unclear to me, the motivation behind such a change.  If anyone has
> any insights into this new format, I think it would be quite interesting.
> --
> Angelo Veltens
> he/him/his - er/ihn/sein

Received on Friday, 12 August 2022 18:18:41 UTC