RWW like Implementations of IoT device management (via WoT)

I'm wondering what reference material may be available for IoT / WoT device
firmware / platform configurations, where the user is in-control of the

This in-turn reflects what i'd consider a 'service-centric' approach vs. a
'human centric' approach.  In the 'human centric' approach, people would
purchase a device - much like they did in the years prior to/advent of -
WWW.  Drivers may be updated to support solving security flaws or updating
to newer standards for communications; but essentially, the purchase
decision does not require any data-relationship with the vendor of the

I envisage this could in-turn be done via a SoLiD[1] or RWW[2] like
architecture (perhaps inclusive of improvements to existing WebID-TLS[3]
support) with/without credentials[4] use-case support (most likely via
#digitalreceipts #web-payments & server-side interactions?)

I'm interested in further information, links appreciated.



Received on Thursday, 15 September 2016 08:20:20 UTC